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international czech championship 2007 mixed

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First curling club Brno

1. CK Brno is a club with more than ten years tradition and plenteous membership base which is the guarantee of this tournament. Although Brno teams stand little bit aside of events in Prague, team of Jiří Snítil won the Czech league in 2006 and in December superbly represented the Czech Republic at the European Championship in Basel (Switzerland). Czech team moved up to the elite A group.

Gymnasium of Matyáše Lercha

Teachers and students of this gymnasium form the majority of active curlers of this club and on organizing of this tournament spend enormous amount of time as volunteers.

Czech curling association

Curling association gave us already for the fifth time confidence to organize this championship in which more and more teams every year take part in.

Valící se šutráky

Valící se šutráky is another Brno club which also belongs to one of the organizers of this tournament. Ladies from this club imprinted to the championship inevitable character.

RPK Brno

RPK is a club of former GML students which organizes this tournament as well.

SK Kociánka

This sport club is very active in various areas of sport; curling is just one of them. This year we are happy to welcome the participants on wheelchair first time on Brno ice.

Region of South Moravia

Region of South Moravia gives sureness with its financial support that the championship could be organized.

City of Brno

Brno is another partner which helps with realization of the championship. Besides the financial support, important for us is the patronage of the Mayor.


Sandteam is the main partner of the 1. CK Brno. Whenever it is needed to organize something, it is just a matter of a phone call…